left before opening:

4 Days 23 Hours 57 Minuts 33 Seconds

«SYNTHES DUO COMPANY» LLC, Stavropol, Russia

«SYNTHES DUO COMPANY» LLC, Stavropol, Russia


Adress: Russia, 355042, Stavropol, Yuzhny Obkhod str, 26

Phone: +7 (938) 302-48-46

Fax: +7 (938) 302-48-46

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Web-site: https://sintezduo.ru/

Director: Rytsebortsev Roman Vladimirovich


The company LLC «SDK» is a Russian manufacturer of liquid detergents under the KIMIKA brand, such as: professional detergents for washing food enterprises, professional detergents for hotels, cafes and restaurants, professional detergents for car care. On the market since 2015. The quality of liquid detergents produced by our company meets high standards and is confirmed by quality certificates.

Union of Russian Brewers
All-Russian Research Institute of the Brewing, Beverage and Wine Industry - Branch of the Federal Research Center of Food Systems them. V.M. Gorbatov RAS
FSUE VO Soyuzplodoimport
National Union of Food Exporters
Administration of Sochi
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Krasnodar Region
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Sochi
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